Permit Test Preparation Courses

What is ProDriverU CDL Permit Prep All About?

  • If you want to obtain a CDL Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP), you will need to take written knowledge tests at your local DMV in the state where you have a driver’s license.  The tests are based on information contained in your state CDL manual (available from your state).  The CDL Manual has a lot of information that you will be tested on depending on the tests you need to take.
  • To help you learn the information so you can pass the tests, ProDriverU offers FREE tests and quizzes to help you study, memorize and learn the CDL concepts.  Select the area(s) below that you want to practice.  Take as many tests as you want and learn as you go!
  • Once you start to get most of the test and quiz questions correct, you should be ready to go to the DMV and take the real test.
  • The CLP test prep areas are just to help you practice similar questions.  But you should also study your CDL manual.
  • Important Note about ELDT:  Once you have obtained a CLP, you will need to complete required Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) at a training provider listed on the FMCSA Training Provider Registry (TPR).  The tests you take at the DMV are different from ELDT.  They are only to get the CLP.  ELDT training is in addition to getting your permit.  ELDT must include both “theory” and “skills” training.  ProDriverU is an approved ELDT theory training provider, and you can see those courses by clicking here.  You will also need to select a skills training provider for the hands-on, behind the wheel skills training that ELDT requires.

CDL Permit Prep: Combination Vehicles

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